Faculty/Staff Block 50
  • 50 Meals
  • Save over 50% on a Faculty/Staff Meal Plan – pay only $7.25/meal.
Your meal plan provides access to several locations and can be used in three ways:

1.Punches at E-Hall & D-Hall, our all-you-care-to-eat resident dining halls
2.Punches can be used for Duke Deals at participating retail locations
3.Punches can be used for equivalencies at participating retail locations for up to a $7 purchase. If your order exceeds $7, you can double punch.

You can also use your meals for guests, whether family, friends, or colleagues. You must be present at the time of purchase. This offer is not valid during special events, including Family Weekend.

For more information on meal plan basics, Visit our Meal Plan 101 page for complete details.

Faculty/Staff Meal Plan payment options include Flex Dollars, credit, cash, check, or payroll deduction. Please note, affiliates are not eligible for payroll deduction.